Letters to the Editor

Letter: Republicans take choice out of RCV

While the Alaska Republican Rarty is busy trying to take away ranked choice voting, they are now also doing their best to sabotage this November’s general election by taking away any real choice for Alaska voters. Forcing all the Republicans for U.S. House off the ballot to try and stuff Nick Begich III down our throat is just another typical Republican party trick.

Personally, I’d like to think that all the moderate Republican voters who couldn’t stomach voting for MAGA acolyte Begich in the open primary are smart enough not to be forced to vote for him in the general election. I’d like to invite them to cross over and vote for the adult in the room, Mary Peltola, and send a clear message to the Alaska Republican Party to spend more time and effort choosing better candidates rather than sabotaging the election.

Having our Republican attorney general, or his representative, and a lawyer for the Alaska Republican Party stand before a judge and swear that they want a New Jersey felon serving time in New York on the general election ballot because it might take a few votes away from Peltola, should be the final straw for Alaska voters. Demand more from your party officials or be prepared to lose a lot more elections. We’ve just seen what a MAGA Republican-controlled Congress can accomplish — nothing, thank God.

— Larry Smith


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