Letters to the Editor

Letter: Put off by misleading ad

I am put off by the ad I keep seeing on TV of the “veteran” saying that Mary Peltola voted against the pay raise for veterans. Is he really an Alaskan or is he an actor? I can’t find out.

I do hope that the voters are checking on why Ms. Peltola voted no. Mary Peltola rejected that bill because there were amendments and additions to the bill that denied reproductive care to veterans.

The Republicans managed to mess up a perfectly legitimate bill with “messages” of their agenda for all of us. They seem to insist that no one has the brains to conduct their own medical needs.

Please realize that Mary Peltola is Alaska’s representative and will be supporting things that make Alaska and Alaskans better off in the long term. She stands for our freedom and our welfare.

Don’t be fooled by half-true messages. Please check the facts before you make a judgment. We need to protect our freedom and the right to direct our own lives.

— Linda (Mindee) Morning


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