Letters to the Editor

Letter: Good representation

As a primary care physician for 40 years, my most important task was helping my patients make decisions about health care. In the past, I wrote a letter encouraging Alaska voters to support Sen. Lisa Murkowski to continue her representation of us in Congress as a dignified and decent supporter of Alaska’s needs. She has done her job!

Now, I plan on voting for Mary Peltola for the same reason. She is the only candidate that will reliably support health care access for Alaskans, especially women. Her reelection might well determine whether we have a Congress that gets legislative work done versus one that just obstructs. She and Sen. Murkowski are centrist and pragmatic, focused on our needs, not ideology. They will reliably protect and expand health care access, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Down-ballot, I would also encourage voters to prioritize support for education in the candidates. Without affordable public education, my 40 years of service as a physician would not have happened. The current shortage of workers in all fields is largely due to inadequate support of affordable public education. Please consider this when the loud anti-tax shills try to lure you away from pro-education candidates. Above all, vote.

— Richard Alan Munger


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