Letters to the Editor

Letter: Eklutna restoration

I was disappointed to read the recent article about the city’s push for more studies on the Eklutna River restoration. This matter has already been studied for five years, with input from many stakeholders. The consensus of these stakeholders is that the proposed $57 million program is the best compromise available.  

For the city to now object and side with the selfish interests of the Eklutna tribe puts the desires of a few hundred against the impact on hundreds of thousands. The Assembly has made a resolution that may have made them feel warm and fuzzy, but it was wrong for Anchorage.

For our new mayor to jump on board was even more concerning. After running as a consensus builder with the ability to compromise to get results, we find it may have just been empty campaign promises.  

I thought we were done with unnecessary legal expenses, but here we may be fighting a battle where there is no legal footing.

To the Assembly and Mayor Suzanne LaFrance: Please stick with running an efficient and cost-effective city. Fix the potholes, plow the streets, support the police and fire department, fix the homeless problem and leave your political leanings at home.

— Chuck Stielstra


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