Letters to the Editor

Letter: All movies great and small

I am old, 76, and mostly bed-bound due to illness, so I watch a lot of movies … but finding one to watch is very difficult.  Most of the movies are man-movies, with the major characters being males who are fighting or competing, with lots of alcohol and one or two beautiful women watching. Not for me.  

So how about chick-flicks? They are totally focused on romance, and at my age, that isn’t particularly interesting either. And comedies — well, they aren’t exactly real life, and most of them are contaminated with canned laughter every 20 seconds, which grates on my nerves very quickly. And the senior citizen movies, the few that there are, are almost invariably about either dementia or cancer — who wants to watch that?  

I love movies about normal people with all ages represented, and a happy theme. Of course, the only ones you can find are British, and then you can only understand half the words they say, and the subtitle thing can’t understand them either. The most famous of these is the James Herriot series about a veterinarian, his animal patients and his family, and it is one of the most popular series ever made — so why don’t the moviemakers take the hint and make more of these? Please?

— Joan Bundtzen


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