Donald Trump claims his debate with Kamala Harris was his best yet, criticizing ABC’s moderators and saying they should lose their broadcast license. He falsely accused Democrats of supporting late-term abortions and repeated a baseless, racist claim about Haitian immigrants in Ohio.
Trump’s behavior is deeply toxic, rooted in lies and conspiracy theories. The real tragedy isn’t Trump himself, but the fact that the upcoming Nov. 5 election could still be close. In Alaska, Republicans proudly align with Trump, including a governor who mirrors his approach.
Despite evidence showing that six out of the past 10 presidents had better economic results than Trump, the MAGA myth of all-time greatness persists. His campaign is fueled by hatred and desperation to avoid prison, which is where he belongs.
The days of winter darkness are fast approaching in Alaska. For the sake of the future, let’s not doom ourselves with perpetual darkness. What will it take for his supporters to break free from this messianic delusion? Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon, and he is simply unfit to be an American citizen, let alone hold public office.
— Charles D. Hayes
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