Letters to the Editor

Letter: God and abortion

Abortion has become a huge issue and many say, the decision should be left to the woman because it’s “her body.” Others say it’s the baby’s body. If a fetal heartbeat can be detected at six weeks, that would seem like enough evidence that it’s a human being and deserves protection. I am a Bible-believing Christian, so for me, when I am about to make a decision, I ask if it is God-pleasing. Does anyone feel killing a baby is God-pleasing ?

There has become an increase of charitable organizations which provide free ultrasounds for mothers-to-be who are undecided as to whether they want to keep the baby to term or not. I have to wonder what the decision would be after seeing an unborn baby’s smiling face or limbs moving about. This idea seems to have no downside and would force those involved to face the reality of their actions.

Vote to save a baby’s life and always do what is God-pleasing.

— Frank Dahl


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