Letters to the Editor

Letter: No safe places for pedestrians

I was so sad this week to read about the number of pedestrians killed by motor vehicles in Anchorage. One story struck me because it was reported that the person killed wasn’t in a crosswalk. My question is: Why is that surprising? Where are the crosswalks that are intended to give a pedestrian safe passage across a street in Anchorage?

I live downtown and walk to as many places as possible, rather than driving my car.  (Unlike some of the pedestrians killed, I do have a choice to walk or drive.) Our city has built curb-cuts to allow people to transition safely from the sidewalk to the street, but there is almost never a crosswalk to provide safe passage to the other side. 

Anchorage needs to do more to protect walkers and bikers. How about we support the people who move around our city without a car — out of necessity, for fun, for exercise or just because — instead of blaming them for not being in a crosswalk when there is almost no chance there is one to be in?

— Jacqueline Carr


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