Letters to the Editor

Letter: Have fun and learn

I am writing to encourage Anchorage families to join us for the “PIC-A-TRUCK” event on Sunday, Oct. 6 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Clark Middle School.

This free event will provide young children with a unique opportunity to explore and interact with a variety of large vehicles including a school bus, fire truck, construction trucks, a military Humvee and more! We will also have music, tumbling, reading and art activities for kids of all ages.

While the event is free, we are asking those that can to bring packages of diapers in any size. The donations will supply Programs for Infants and Children’s diaper pantry that has distributed over 3,500 packs of diapers and wipes to families-in-need since November 2023. The average number of diapers and wipes given out each month has doubled from 250 to 500 in the past three months. This highlights the critical need for ongoing support to ensure that no child in our community goes without these essentials.

We appreciate this opportunity to share and remind our community that learning happens every day in the places where a child lives and plays, doing the things they enjoy, with the people who care about them.

— Amy Simpson

Executive director, Programs for Infants and Children


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