Some people only care only about themselves. They want to maximize their own wealth and power and are willing to lie, cheat or steal as required in this endeavor. I believe Donald Trump is one of them. But why do people I know to be kind, caring people now march under his MAGA banner?
I may have found the answer. We share common values in that we all love our country, want to protect our families, and want everyone to have the chance for a happy life. We want to be valued and to contribute to society. So why the difference in politics? I found that we hold very different views of the truth. Given different data, we come to different conclusions.
For example, Trump’s repeated claim that tariffs on goods from China are being paid by the Chinese is not true. Check it out in any dictionary or with any importer of Chinese goods. The importer pays the tariff to our government and then passes the costs on to us. If the tariffs go away, our prices will drop.
We all need to carefully fact check our information before sharing it with others. When we can agree on the true facts, I am confident the majority of us will find ourselves on the same side.
— Mark Beaudin
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