Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bad oil royalty policy

During the last legislative session, it became clear that we need to demand more honesty from our representatives. Sen. Jesse Bjorkman’s actions exemplify this need. His bill, SB 64, aimed to seize private overriding royalties (ORRI) in Cook Inlet via eminent domain, mirroring a proposal from Furie. The terms of Bjorkman’s bill — such as the two-year compensation multiplier and the 20% cap on combined royalties — were strikingly similar to Furie’s December 2023 proposal, raising concerns of undue influence.

Bjorkman claimed SB 64 was independently crafted for the benefit of all Cook Inlet operators. However, the bill’s resemblance to Furie’s proposal is troubling and casts doubt on whether Bjorkman was prioritizing private interests over the public good. Recent Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) reports revealed that Furie recently contributed $1,000 to Bjorkman’s campaign.

Additionally, Bjorkman’s avoidance of radio call-in shows and reluctance to address public scrutiny are alarming. If our legislators evade transparency and shy away from difficult questions, it undermines public trust and raises serious concerns. We need representatives who are honest, transparent and committed to serving the public’s interests rather than advancing private agendas.

— Doug Myers


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