Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don't buy the rhetoric

The idea being planted that voters do not know who Kamala Harris is and we are all waiting to learn more about her is a concoction created by the media and scared Republicans trying to stir up some kind of controversy around the vice president. It is total hooey. What’s not to know already? The current U.S. vice president was an elected attorney general in California, a prosecutor and district attorney before that, then a U.S. senator from California, and finally she was elected vice president of the United States, second in line to the presidency. It’s a role she has held for almost four years.

What we know from this resume is that Kamala Harris is very smart, exceedingly capable, highly electable and has held a number of important jobs in state and federal government — and done so successfully. Compared to Donald Trump, she is paragon of competence and demonstrably capable of understanding and managing complex matters. Unlike Trump, she is not a convicted felon who really does not understand public policy and states he will “rule” from a position of fear.

The truth is, we know who Kamala Harris is. The real danger is that we will never know who Donald Trump is because he constantly lies, exaggerates, and often speaks incomprehensibly on topics of national importance to Americans, and he clearly prefers chaos to rationality. It is Trump who does not want voters to know who he truly is because he will be whoever and whatever he thinks he needs to be in order to be elected one more time.

— Randall Burns


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