Letters to the Editor

Letter: Come help spark joy

It’s time to re-engage with the elders who reside at the Anchorage Pioneer Home, and you can help by sharing your time and talents through volunteering. We would love for you to join us at our Open House on Thursday, Sept. 12, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., where you can meet some of our elders, find out about how you can share your time and talents through volunteering at the home, as well as help support our Resident Council’s fundraising efforts by attending and participating in our first-ever pie auction!

Our elders have given so much to Alaska over the years, and it would be lovely for our community to come alongside each of them to show ourappreciation and that we care by simply spendingtime with them. It’s a teamwork effort between the Care Team here at the Pioneer Home, the elders themselves and the community at large to work together to prevent loneliness, boredom and helplessness.

Any bit of time you can share makes all the difference. We look forward to sparking joy with your partnership.

— Tammy Lindemuth

Administrator, Anchorage Pioneer Home


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