Letters to the Editor

Letter: Affordable housing options

We need to bring back trailer parks to have affordable housing in America. With houses costing $400,000 and more, and mortgages out of reach for many folks, well-run mobile home parks are the easiest and quickest solution.

The government can build them and have reasonably priced rent. They could even have jobs created for people to build the homes. With fenced yards, people would have more space than an apartment. They would own them and if priced at $100,000 or less, they would be very affordable. If the government built them, that would take out all the middlemen who keep jacking the price up until it reaches the consumer.

Young couples and older retirees would be happy to have a decent place to live that would be theirs and affordable. Don’t think of the run-down places we see now, but happy communities with pride of ownership and strict rules to keep them in top shape.

Everyone deserves a home, and needing a high wage to own one isn’t fair to all. There should be alternatives so everyone can buy what they can afford and have a home they are proud of.

— Laura Ferguson


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