Letters to the Editor

Letter: Stop Trump

A bipartisan group made up of members who fear the turmoil of another Donald Trump presidency are making a difference in the national campaign, seeking volunteers in the next month to get the votes needed to keep Trump out of the Oval Office. We need your help, regardless of party affiliation. If you share our concerns about the dangers posed by Donald Trump, we urge your participation.

Personal messages can sway undecided voters in swing states. We are sending thousands of postcards, our voices coming together to protect our freedoms.

We are neighbors who had to do something to stop Trump. Help us save our freedom of reproductive rights, our freedom to breathe clean air, to drink clean water, and the freedom that unlocks all the others, the freedom to vote. Trump says we won’t have to vote anymore if he is elected; he has it all planned.

We formed in Ketchikan and now have chapters in Arizona, Cordova and Anchorage. The message is simple: Stop Trump.

We do not ask for money. We ask you to volunteer to write postcards. Contact info@voicesforreasonpac. org to arrange to get cards.

— Larry Taylor

Member, Voices for Reason PAC



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