Letters to the Editor

Letter: Attorney general's hypocrisy

The Dunleavy regime’s Alaska attorney general’s office has yet again shown its true hypocritical colors, refusing to join the federal action against the proposed Kroger- Albertsons mega-merger.

While it’s been clear for a very long time that the state AG’s office exists these days primarily as a propaganda vehicle for GOP quixotic fights and culture war campaigns, the latest inaction takes the cake. The AG’s office is merely “watching” the proceedings to halt the merger, not joining in the process as an advocate for Alaskans.

Anyone who buys groceries can tell you fewer stores will not bring any kind of joy or relief — rather, the polar opposite. Higher prices, longer drives, packed parking lots and Costco-style checkout lines.

And sooner rather than later, the sale of a few stores to “fix” the competition requirement would soon fold, as they have with other so-called “safe” mergers. And K/A knows it, in fact are counting on it.

So why does the AG’s office initiate or sign on to so many other expensive, partisan national lawsuits, but won’t participate in one that has solid, real and local impacts on Alaskans?

Priorities, folks, and we are not them.

— Jeff Schmitz



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