Letters to the Editor

Letter: Education matters

Educated people are more likely to be liberal. This is a condemnation of what passes for conservatism today. When Ronald Reagan was elected to his first term, the GOP had a higher percentage of college-educated voters in it. By his second term, it was about equal, and by the end of his disastrous second term, the Democratic Party had a greater percentage of college-educated voters in it. This has not changed since, except that the gap grows every year.

Educated voters are not prone to voting against their own self-interest, and it is very much more difficult to lie to them and not have them research what they are being told. This is why Republicans, like our own Gov. Mike Dunleavy, have been cutting education funding for more than 40 years and why Republican politicians have been demonizing higher education, all the while sending their own children to universities. Register. Vote. Stop the”Big Lie” once and for all.

— Lars Opland


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