Letters to the Editor

Letter: Israel's culpability

The power of subtle manipulation of opinion was illustrated in the Aug. 25 political cartoon of Hamas being the barrier step to cease-fire negotiations, when it was actually Israel that assassinated Hamas’s chief negotiator — not a military leader, a political leader. Ignoring Israel’s equal culpability doesn’t help matters.

The cartoon could have just as well and just as accurately placed Israel as the step blocking the staircase to cease-fire progress. The general public is constantly led to believe that Hamas is the only “terrorist” that has soothed Western political/ religious consciences for the approval of the slaughter of more than 40,000 people, some of who were combatants, but the great majority being civilians, women and children. This number does not include the missing and the wounded whose lives have been effectively ruined. For reference, the total estimated 2024 population of Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula Borough is 61,835.

— Ken Green

Cooper Landing

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