Letters to the Editor

Letter: Women standing together

My response after watching the Democratic National Convention: It has finally come to my attention as a 72-year-old woman who has worked with the assaulted and lived with a broken body because of violence — to my relief, it is our time, and it’s about time.

As women, we’re the ones who create life, risk life to give birth, and then have molded generations after generations of men — who have done what? Deny our rights legally, allow the terrorizing of our sisters (some even have violated them), and legally they have held us to a lower standard.

Do I sound bitter? No, I am a proud mother, woman and voter who now has the power to help put a strong woman in charge of this nation. A woman who has this country standing up to a bully who can’t do anything about it. It is a turning point in so many ways for our gender.

Many of us will pay physically and financially because of it, but we are used to that, and it will not stop us because we have also raised a generation of men to stand with us. Together we will make a statement of the power of women and justice. Yes, this is what we have been fighting for.

First, it was the election of a Black male President for two terms.

The punishment for that was Donald Trump, and he failed in his one term.

Joe Biden took him down, along with a strong female vice president who is now on track to defeat Trump herself. I’m so excited and proud to go to the polls to vote. Tuesday was only the primary election, but it was a chance to show the whisper of the roar to come. I live in a very red state, but we are a state with a near-majority of women, and I think we will stand together, finally. At long last, how could we not?


— Elann “Lennie” Moren


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