Letters to the Editor

Letter: Hall is a worker

I would like to respond to Chelsea Foster’s letter of Aug. 14 in support of Nick Moe. I differ with her on her remarks about Carolyn Hall’s support of progressive women and the people she represents.

With regard to her commitment to her constituents, I know her personally, and can vouch for her. Hall has the backbone to dig in and fight the good fight for her people. I have observed with interest her work with her education in public administration, work with previous administrations and volunteer organization. What I value with Hall is her integrity. I have witnessed her hard work on her campaign and I know she will work just as hard in Juneau.

Mr. Moe must seen it too, as it seems he offered her his support in April, then filed to run for office just before the cutoff for the filing deadline.

— Steve Petraitis


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