Letters to the Editor

Letter: Feeling the SNAP pinch

We are all feeling the impact of higher food prices, and many of us know people who are struggling to stay fed. Recently, the state of Alaska has invested millions of dollars in an attempt to fix the backlogged system, but nationally, SNAP benefits are at risk of receiving the largest cut in nearly 30 years. This could leave millions of Americans without SNAP benefits starting 2027. This would impact 40 million people nationally.

According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), in 2022 alone, SNAP benefits helped more than 92,000 Alaskans put food on their tables. These services are so helpful for low-income people and those working jobs with unpredictable schedules (service industry, tourism, direct care workers, etc.)

Please reach out to your U.S. senators, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, to voice your support for SNAP benefits.

— Catherine Schoessler


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