Letters to the Editor

Letter: Alaskan exodus

Recent stories of young Alaskans leading the state for better opportunities might seem theoretical or abstract — until it happens in your family.

Our son is leaving for a good-paying job in Seattle after months of searching locally. He has multiple FAA licenses and a college degree, but years of slashed budgets in Alaska and Anchorage have created an environment unattractive to young adults.

Likewise, our daughter-in-law is a young certified special education teacher with a master’s degree and experience teaching children with unique needs. Our governor has utterly failed to promote funding for public education or a pension to allow her a chance at a good retirement. As a result, she has left teaching inAlaska and may be considering a move to a state that values her profession.

Anchorage recently elected a new mayor who may start to improve things in that city, but the larger problems of our dysfunctional state government remain. Until we start investing in our workforce and quality of life, our young people will continue to leave for better opportunities.

— Stephen Edwards


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