Letters to the Editor

Letter: Why Point MacKenzie?

Reading about the plan to build a new pipeline to tie Point MacKenzie into the natural gas distribution network, I’m curious about the selection of Point Mac for this facility. There is currently an idle LNG (export) facility in Nikiski that is already tied into the natural gas pipeline network. One would think that that export facility could be repurposed for import much more cheaply than building a new import facility and pipeline in Point MacKenzie.

If I were cynical, my guess would be that it is an attempt by Enstar to gin up political support for the import facility among Mat-Su borough politicians who are still trying to justify the Point Mac port project. But if the project can be built much more cheaply and quickly by utilizing already existing infrastructure, it seems that Enstar (and electric utility) ratepayers will be on the hook for millions of dollars by instead siting the import facility at Point Mac.

— James Dickey


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