Letters to the Editor

Letter: A disappointed veteran

Problem: The Camp Lejeune Justice Act states the following: “Applicability — This section shall apply only to a claim accrued before the date of enactment of this Act.”

The date of enactment was Aug. 10, 2022. I was diagnosed with CLL leukemia and Parkinsonism in 2023, leaving me ineligible to file, though I meet all other requirements.

I want to inform local veterans of how our senators and our representative have failed in addressing this issue. I’ve been pursuing this for almost a year now.

Sen. Dan Sullivan’s office seemed to want to help on this. But after a couple of calls, they seem to have lost interest. I haven’t heard from them in months.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s office contacted me after my second letter to the editor. After a couple of exchanges of emails, I never heard from them again.

Rep. Mary Peltola’s office called me once after my first letter. They were polite but never offered to help in any way.

This subject will be moot after Aug. 10 of this year, since under this Act, no claims whatsoever may be filed after that date.This was my first time asking them for help. It will probably be my last. Murkowski and Peltola didn’t surprise me, but I expected better from Sullivan, him being a Marine like myself.


If you are a veteran needing help, like I am myself, don’t waste your time. As much as they claim to want to help veterans, I have not seen it.

— Martin Delfino


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