Letters to the Editor

Letter: Disappointed in Peltola

Mary Peltola claims to be able to work across party lines, and yet it appears she thinks she is incapable of working across ideological lines in her own party. Instead, she’s willing to “(keep) an open mind” about a convicted felon and former president who abused his powers to censor government scientists, threaten U.S. allies, make backroom deals to further his own enterprises, and countless other ungracious acts against anyone who got in his way because apparently she is too intimidated by Kamala Harris to think her consensus-building skills will not work on her.

As I recall, the Trump presidency did not work economic nor demographic miracles in Alaska; why would it be the case now? In fact, if Peltola wants to throw away her vote on a single issue of oil and gas, given Trump’s past cozying up to Russia, a major oil producer and competitor in the oil market, Peltola should cast her vote against him.

Mary Peltola, you not only lost my vote, you lost my respect, too.

— Tania Vincent


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