Letters to the Editor

Letter: The stakes in November

A popular saying goes, “An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” That’s Donald Trump.

Now that Joe Biden has removed himself from running for president, it’s up to Kamala Harris to take over. But we know racists won’t vote for her, Trump supporters won’t vote for her, the undecided will waver, many not voting at all.

Think of it this way: Project 2025 is Trump and the Republican Party’s vision for the nation. Christian nationalism will reign. Women will go back to being effectively the property of men, will be denied jobs, and will be forced to marry and remain home, to have children. Going back to the very old, bad days now, are we? I for one will not go. Social Security will either be erased or privatized. You will have to work till age 70 before you can retire. And then, unless you save your own money, you won’t have anything to retire on. And that’s only two of the thousands of changes that will happen if Republicans gain the presidency.

It’s up to us — women, people of color, people of all genders, people of all cultures — to vote blue and keep the country open for all people to be here, living their lives the way they want to. Not under fear of deportation, transfer to prison camps, or being forced back into the closet to keep from being prosecuted.

Please, please, keep a level head. Look up Project 2025 and read as much as you can. It’s very long — 988 pages. But it is worth it to see exactly what the authoritarian Trump supporters want to do to our nation, and none of it is good.

— Patti Lisenbee


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