Letters to the Editor

Letter: Kaufman’s dangerous bet

In a move that defies common sense and undermines the safety of our children, Sen. James Kaufman voted in May to advance Senate Bill 173, which would have armed teachers and volunteers in our schools. His vote demonstrates that he is dangerously out of touch.

To be clear, I fully support the Second Amendment and believe in every individual’s right to own and bear arms. I am also acutely aware that as of June 24 of this year, there had been 34 school shootings in the United States this year. In light of this fact, Sen. Kaufman cast his vote in support of an extreme ideology, demonstrating that he is willing to sacrifice the safety of our schools on the altar of extremism.

We need to ask ourselves: Do we want leaders representing us who have such a flagrant disregard for the well-being of our children and educators?

As someone without children, he will never know the fear of sending a child to a school where their safety is at risk. As a parent and grandparent, I understand that fear.

We cannot stand by as he pushes a far-right partisan agenda that seeks to turn our schools into battlegrounds. His radical stance on SB 173 makes clear that he is too extreme to continue representing our interests in Juneau.

Elections are on the horizon. Remember that our schools, children, and futures are at stake. We need leaders who advocate for safety and common sense, not guns in our classrooms. I would be honored to have your vote in the upcoming Aug. 20 primary election.

— Janice L. Park


Candidate, Alaska Senate District F


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