Letters to the Editor

Letter: Judge's initiative decision

I read the recent article in the ADN regarding the petitions to repeal ranked choice voting. It stated that some of the petition booklets were disqualified/rejected because the booklets were circulated by two circulators or were left unattended.

If the individual circulators violated state law, they should be fined. But their valid signatures should not be rejected because the circulators made a mistake. By rejecting booklets that contain valid signatures in their entirety, the court is disenfranchising those voters who indicated a clear desire that the people be allowed to vote on the initiative.

Perhaps this will be harmless, because there may be enough signatures to place the issue on the ballot in any case. Rejecting valid signatures, regardless of how they were gathered, is just wrong. The people should be allowed to vote on the initiative.

— Ken Jacobus

Attorney who sued Alaska over RCV constitutionality


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