Letters to the Editor

Letter: Working for change

I am continually encouraged by the bulk of the letters to the editor stating support for President Joe Biden — for recognizing that our vote this fall is for the health of our democracy, for all of us, and for life on this earth. I like to think about how I envision life in, say, 20 years — for myself, my loved ones, any of us. From lives being led with purpose and productivity, an environment rich with healthy flora and fauna, oceans teeming with life, families and individuals feeling fully supported in their ability to be healthy — emotionally, mentally, and physically.

I’d like to see my children and grandchildren exploring and enjoying nature, receiving the education they need and want, and having plenty of opportunity to thrive as the individuals they are. Until our climate crisis is successfully addressed, none of this is truly possible.

This fall, I hope we all consider our votes with care, for only one ticket will continue to move us forward to the opportunity for a healthy and thriving future. I am grateful for the work President Biden is doing to help us create the change we need to have the future I hope we all truly want for our loved ones.

— Alice Hanscam


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