Letters to the Editor

Letter: Making political lemonade out of lemons

All the polls and a supermajority of your family, friends and neighbors will tell you, the two presidential candidates, as of July 19, are simply too old to govern our futures effectively.

If Kamala Harris becomes the Democratic presidential nominee in the next month, it will be imperative for her ticket to make the case to pass a constitutional amendment before the next congressional election in 2026 and the next presidential election in 2028, by instituting a maximum swearing- in age for all future U.S. legislators and presidents. My personal preference is that the limit should be 75 years old. In addition, the citizens of this country also deserve a Supreme Court whose justices are more accountable to the law and populace, so it would be best to institute a mandatory retirement age at 75 years old for them as well. True equality for all.

As all the polls are telling us, this would be a huge uniting agenda, across all party and non-party affiliations. This is a winning issue. Who could possibly be against this argument? Mostly, just the elite career politicians. So, if Kamala Harris becomes the next Democratic Party presidential nominee, this one specific agenda item is guaranteed to give her candidacy a huge tailwind. It’s a simple and powerful message that is way overdue and makes a lot of common sense. Let’s make some sweet lemonade out of Biden’s and Trump’s stubbornness in their old age. Let’s make the presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court great again. This one solution to making our government more responsive again is silently staring us all in the face.

— Mark Hayden


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