Letters to the Editor

Letter: Disappointed with print newspaper changes

I have canceled my subscription to your newspaper effective Monday, the first day of reduced papers. Why are you even bothering with two days a week? I called and asked if us print subscribers were going to receive a rebate on our print subscriptions due to the decreased deliveries. I was read the script that said no, that you hoped we print subscribers would subsidize your e-edition.

I think not. After 38 years of subscribing, I canceled. It will be difficult for me to not start the day with a real paper, but I cannot work a crossword on a laptop or tablet; I cannot do the search and find on a laptop or tablet. My vision gets blurry if I am on a computer too long and I had enough of computers when I had to work on one. I am extremely disappointed that you went this route, especially with only a week’s notice. Shame on you all.

— Deborah Taylor


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