Letters to the Editor

Letter: Supporting Kennedy

Robert Kennedy Jr. has been certified to be on our Alaska ballot in November. Based on his political campaigning over the last year, he is a youthful 70-year-old man. He speaks to all podcasters, reporters, and others offered the opportunity. He has been on KSRM Radio in Kenai twice, always answering the tough questions from radio personality Bob Bird on his radio show “Talk of the Kenai.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a viable alternative for president of the United States.

Baby Boomers are familiar with the Kennedy name. In my opinion, his uncle, JFK (John Fitzgerald Kennedy), was the greatest president of my generation of Baby Boomers. President John F. Kennedy had the life experiences of World War II. He was a war hero, saving lives. His oldest brother died in the war. These life experiences of war made President Kennedy laser-focused on preventing another World War.

While RFK Jr. may not have the direct life experiences of World War II, his unwavering dedication to preventing another global conflict is evident. He comprehends the intricate history of Ukraine and our government’s involvement in their politics. RFK Jr. also recognizes that our ongoing military support (financial) for wars is unsustainable. He is acutely aware that a government has never moved so swiftly to destroy its currency through the ever-expanding national debt.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a viable alternative for president. Unlike the two-party political candidates who often skirt around the issues, RFK Jr. fearlessly tackles our national debt and global stability. He discusses them and offers viable solutions to turn the tide for my grandchildren and their generation. For more details, visit Kennedy24.com.

— Ray Southwell


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