Letters to the Editor

Letter: Poor game management

Like many Alaskans, I am not impressed with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the Board of Game’s bloodthirsty predator control program.

The slaughter of 180 grizzly bears, along with many other animals, in a year, seems to be more in support of sport than scientific wildlife management. As Bill Sherwonit pointed out, many scientists disagree with the practice of these killings.

ADFG and the Board say there should be 30,000-80,000 caribou in the Mulchatna herd, a broad number they must have pulled from the air, considering the historical norm is 13,000.

The public deserves to hear all the aspects of this practice. Have they actually studied the health of the Mulchatna herd animals? Do they have disease? Do they have enough food? Are they being illegally harvested and/or wasted? Is their habitat changing? Does ADFG salvage the animals they kill?

Give us some needed information, ADFG.

— Sue Johnson


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Sue Johnson

Sue Johnson is a 40-year Alaskans who has worked in public, private and nonprofit sectors and is past president of The Alaska Women's Political Caucus.