Letters to the Editor

Letter: Alaska's vote

Regrettably, if one doesn’t vote Republican in the 2024 election, their vote for president doesn’t count. With a primary focus on natural resource extraction issues, Alaska’s delegates consistently go to the Republicans. Our three electoral votes in November will go to Donald Trump, as they did in 2016 and 2020.

Granted, Alaska’s economy is tied to resource development, and Republican administrations traditionally offer more access to those resources, with less regulation. But sometimes, especially when the world is facing unprecedented challenges, we need to look at the bigger picture. Those of us with a broader perspective might raise our voices in opposition to the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

But here in Alaska, those voices have no attenuation, like the absence of sound in the vacuum of space.

Whatever candidate the Democrats finally agree upon to run in this critically important election, it will be light years ahead of Trump, who is a convicted felon, proven liar, cheat, bully and fundamentally not the slightest bit qualified to hold that high office.

With its lockstep Republican bloc here in Alaska, none of that matters. Traditionally, we hope and pray for sanity when our Lower 48 neighbors go out to vote.

— Frank E. Baker

Eagle River

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Frank Baker

Frank E. Baker is a freelance writer who lives in Eagle River.