Letters to the Editor

Letter: What's at stake

I recently read an excellent commentary by the national group “Veterans for Responsible Leadership.” The organization urged Americans to discuss Trump’s coup attempt with his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021. Amen.

When watching the second Donald Trump impeachment trial, I was confident that Republicans would seize the opportunity to convict and eliminate this divisive man from their party. My hat is off to the few Republican patriots with spine who tried. The Republican Party would be so much better off today with a more moderate/sane candidate. Let’s face it: In spite of his dramatic staging, Trump is neither a patriot nor a man of faith.

During his term, Trump loaded the Supreme Court with his ideology. Now among the recent unbelievably radical decisions by our Supreme Court, one decision would now allow a president to rule as a dictator largely without regard to law. Trump promises a vindictive administration and boasts that one of the first things he will do is eliminate the Insurrection Act — doing so wouldallow him to order the military to do horrible things. Trump also promises to pardon those convicted “patriots” who stormed, desecrated and even defecated in our Capitol. And, of course, Trump will pardon himself and his corrupt pals for his/their crimes.

This upcoming election is not the usual battle between responsible parties; it’s about civility, the survival of our democracy, the rule of law, women’s freedom, and more. Please vote with thought and patriotism — our Founding Fathers are counting on us.

— Scott Grundy


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