Letters to the Editor

Letter: Project 2025's potential effects

When a prolific liar claims to know nothing about Project 2025, don’t believe it. Many of Project 2025′s authors worked in the Trump administration. If Project 2025 ever is implemented, the damage to our democracy would be swift and ruthless.

The proposed impact on education would be enormous. The Department of Education would be dismantled, student loans would be privatized, and Pell grants would be eliminated. Title IX investigations would end protections for vulnerable groups, and college accrediting agencies would be reined in “so that universities can be reclaimed from the radical left.” The student loan forgiveness program would end.

At the K-12 level, a complete restructuring would occur, including eventual elimination of Title I funding for schools with high percentages of low-income students. Special Education funding would be given in “block grants” or “education savings accounts” to be spent by parents to cover private schools or other educational expenses. States could opt out of federal education programs and devote federal funds toward “any lawful education purpose under state law.”

Young adults engaged in higher education and parents with school-aged children should be aware of Project 2025′s potential impact on education, as it would alter the education landscape dramatically.

— Deb Ward


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