Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks to police, first responders

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the incredible work of our local police department, their leadership and the entire team, from dispatchers to patrol officers. In particular, their efforts in addressing homelessness in our community deserve special recognition.

It is no secret that the public perception often leans toward the belief that the police do not show up in a timely fashion or that their efforts go unnoticed. I want to clarify that this is far from the truth. Each call is meticulously prioritized, and the police respond with professionalism and dedication, improving continually through rigorous training and learning and communication skills and experiences.

As someone who has called on their assistance numerous times, I must admit that I have not always shown the appreciation they deserve. However, their consistent and professional response has never wavered, regardless of the situation’s complexity or urgency.

For all of us who might take their efforts for granted, I urge you to take a moment to appreciate and thank our police officers, firefighters, and paramedics for the tireless and often thankless job they do every day, 24/ 7. Their commitment and service are vital to the well-being and safety of our community.

Thank you to our local police department, the Anchorage Fire Department, and all the paramedics for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Their efforts are seen, valued and deeply appreciated.

— Ron Alleva


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