Letters to the Editor

Letter: Legislature’s education funding opponents

In March, the Alaska Houe of Representatives failed to overturn the governor’s veto and killed a bipartisan education bill, failing to raise the Base Student Allocation formula funding.

As we prepare to vote in the Alaska primary election next month, allow me to remind you of who

in the House upheld that veto: Jamie Allard, Thomas Baker, Ben Carpenter, Julie Coulombe, Mike Cronk, David Eastman, Craig Johnson, Delena Johnson, Kevin McCabe, Tom McKay, Mike Prax, Dan Saddler, Laddie Shaw, Cathy Tilton, Frank Tomaszweski and Sarah Vance.

In the Alaska Senate, Sens. Shelley Hughes, Robert Myers, Mike Shower, David Wilson also declined to support the funding.

Our children deserve better representation in Juneau.

— Louise Lazur


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