Letters to the Editor

Letter: A stark choice

Sixty years ago, Barry Goldwater warned us that when fascism came to America, it would be wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible. Current affairs point to his prescience.

I heartily recommend all to watch “Bad Faith” on Tubi and possibly other streaming services. Acquaint yourselves with Project 2025, the Republican playbook. Donald Trump denies knowing anything about Project 2025, but several of the authors worked in his administration or were his advisers. I submit he knows all about it but realizes how unpopular its tenets would be with voters.

This upcoming election is not merely a choice between two men, however flawed either of them might be. It is a choice between what type of government the United States will have going forward. We can choose a government of laws and staffed with skilled and knowledgeable employees, or we can choose a group who openly state that they plan to dismantle our government, remove employees and replace them with political sycophants.

Choose wisely.

— Linda Shore


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