Letters to the Editor

Letter: AI isn't ready for prime time

As the internet and major corporations embrace artificial intelligence lower tech consumers can be flummoxed. My recent experience with artificial intelligence on Amazon is a prime example.

Amazon recently revealed that it is falling short of meeting its climate change goals as it rushes to incorporate AI into its platform, because AI requires a great deal of power. When a book I ordered failed to show up, I got a message from Amazon saying itmight have been lost in shipment. I tried to get a refund or, better yet, have another copy

sent to me. What used to be an easy transaction turned into a frustrating experience because of AI. After getting no results from numerous attempts, I decided to reorder the book.

I now have the book I sought, but I was never able to secure a refund for the lost copy.

Similarly, my encounters with AI chat assistants elsewhere on the internet have been disappointing, and I now avoid them. I yearn for contact with a human being — natural intelligence. It is becoming increasingly evident that this sort of intelligence soon will be a thing of the past.

— Rodger Painter


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