Letters to the Editor

Letter: Act on judge vacancies

Our U.S. senators have a job to do that could mitigate the mess left by Judge Josh Kindred at the federal court here.

The court was already burdened by one unfilled vacancy. How come? Eighteen months ago, Alaska lawyers identified and ranked highly qualified candidates to fill that vacancy. But Sullivan has so far failed to choose and nominate anyone from that list. The failure to do so broke with past practice of Alaska’s senators, like Ted Stevens.

Notably, that 2023 list had four women as the most qualified candidates, but Sen. Sullivan has so far chosen not to support them.

Now, thanks to Sullivan’s inaction and Kindred’s misconduct, we now have two vacancies on a three-judge court. Yikes, senator! Alaskans deserve a functioning local bench.

Otherwise, our local controversies will be decided by Outside judges from the rest of the Ninth Circuit.

Be like Ted Stevens, Sen. Sullivan, and act now on the previously submitted candidate list.

— Mary Geddes



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