Letters to the Editor

Letter: Wright cheered vetoes in his own district

One of the more ironic things we’ve seen in Alaska politics recently is Rep. Stanley Wright standing next to the governor, grinning, as the governor presented his vetoes of funding for critical projects in our own East Anchorage district.

After the session ended, Rep. Stanley Wright told constituents that he had secured funding for Head Start, for playgrounds and for non-profit programs in our district. Then Wright turned around and stood next to Gov. Mike Dunleavy for a photo as the governor vetoed every single one of Wright’s projects.

In fact, the governor vetoed many critical projects in East Anchorage, despite the fact that the roads and parks in our neighborhood have been long neglected and these infrastructure investments were vital for our community. The governor even vetoed a $5,000 re-appropriation to keep community patrols going in the Northeast Community Council. This was money previously appropriated by the Legislature, and the budget would have simply kept patrols going to prevent crime. We struggle to understand how Wright can stand alongside the governor and applaud as he vetoes public safety money that would have made East Anchorage a safer place for our families.

These are just a few of the head-spinning vetoes issued by the governor. He also vetoed statewide funding to expand housing development, killed deferred maintenance funding for the university, turned down federal funds to reduce energy costs, and slashed Head Start and Alaska Reads Act funding. These vetoes make Alaska less economically competitive, less attractive as a place to live, and less affordable. We don’t know why any legislator would support these vetoes, but for Wright to take credit for these projects and then stand with the governor as he vetoes them makes especially little sense.

Wright is a party-line vote. He won’t stand up to the governor and he did not stand up for East Anchorage. Regardless of whether voters like him personally, it’s time to replace him with someone who will actually represent and fight for the many needs of our district, and work across party lines to get things done.

— James Smallwood, Rhiana Gay and Ken Varee

Residents, House District 22


East Anchorage

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