Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pack the court

Outraged by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that New Deal legislation was unconstitutional (the National Industrial Recovery Act, for instance), President Franklin Roosevelt threatened to “pack the court.” The United States was experiencing an existential crisis as the Great Depression failed to quickly ebb and give ground to recovery.

I believe the current U.S. Supreme Court is literally making the case for the packing of the court at the nearest possible opportunity. If power in Washington, D.C., were held in the manner it was in 2009, packing would be possible. I would recommend no fewer than 13 Supreme Court justices.

After all, the workload has grown — best to share the burden.

Might the political party not doing the packing pack the court further? Absolutely. As the Bible says, “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34).

— Andy Josephson


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Andy Josephson

Rep. Andy Josephson was elected to the Alaska State House of Representatives in 2012 and represents residents in South Midtown, Taku-Campbell and East Sand Lake.