Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks for nothing

I remember Mitch McConnell saying when Donald Trump’s second impeachment reached the Senate that although he felt what Trump had done was reprehensible, Congress could not decide the issue. It would be up to the courts to decide guilt or innocence.

I didn’t realize then how much such a position would support the continuing commanding importance of Trump in the Republican Party, but the federal courts have so far been hamstrung by appeals, and the latest Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity means no cases will be tried before the November election, if ever.

An approved impeachment certainly would have changed the course this election prospect has taken and would have saved us a lot of angst. Sen. McConnell may have won this one, but what has happened to our country and its prospects for the future?

A friend of mine summed it up succinctly by saying, “All we have left is prayer.”

— Jon Sharpe


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