Letters to the Editor

Letter: Hamas racism

In his June 25 letter, Kenneth Baitsholts was wrong when he accused Israel of being racist. In Israel, all religions and nationalities are equal under the law. Israel has consistently supported Palestinian self-government, originally through Israel’s agreement to the proposed 1947 United Nations partition of Palestine and through its three subsequent peace proposals.

When Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005 and the Palestinians selected Hamas as their government, Gaza had an opportunity to create a modern 21st-century state. Instead, Hamas directed its billions of dollars of foreign aid into the purchase of arms and the construction of tunnels to burrow across the border into Israel. Hamas started this present war by the brutal slaughter, kidnapping, rape, burning and dismemberment of unsuspecting innocent people. Israel has a right under international law to fight back and eliminate the threat of Hamas. It is absurd to suggest that Israel intentionally targets civilians. Instead, Hamas has caused their deaths by using their own innocent men women and children as human shields.

Hamas is the racist group and the perpetrator of war crimes. Opponents of Israel should take the time to read objectively written history instead of accepting self-serving propaganda.

— Edward Joffe


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