Letters to the Editor

Letter: You need to calm down

I have never seen so many Democrats running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Just because Biden didn’t perform at his very best in one debate? Yes, there are only two debates total, but you panicking ones aren’t looking at the bigger picture.

I forget what the term is, but Donald Trump slung so many lies at Biden that there wasn’t enough time for him to answer them all.

It’s a deliberate attack to make him look weak. It’s gaslighting.

There was also the camera positioning. Biden was on the right — he kept looking to the left to look at the camera that sadly, wasn’t aimed at him. This was a poorly set up debate area.

Biden was suffering from a cold. Of course his voice wasn’t up to par. Does anyone mention this? No.

Quit freaking out and thinking about replacing Biden.

He’s still our best bet. He’s not incapacitated, just didn’t have a fully good day on a day when we needed him to be. He’s human.


He’s more than 80 years old. Yes, that’s old, but he’s still holding it together. Instead of panicking, try having some faith.

— Patti Lisenbee


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