Letters to the Editor

Letter: The first debate

I watched the first presidential debate last night. Yes, Joe Biden is old. Donald Trump is also old and still can’t tell the truth about anything. My point here is, while President Biden answered every question with detailed facts and sometimes struggled with the sea of large numbers he was attempting to quote, Trump rattled on like the carnival barker he should have been, spewing one lie after another, often without answering the question.

I’ll address one: Trump frequently blamed Biden for inflation, but inflation has been ongoing for the last 69 years that I know of — and my grandparents talked about nickel-a-loaf bread. Inflation has always been with us and has always been driven in part by greed, which has also always been with us. Trump remains an existential threat to the nation, more so now than four years ago — he tried to end it once already, three years ago. He can’t be given another chance. He just can’t.

— Lars Opland


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