Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks to opinion contributors

A recent letter-writer listed some of the great writers for ADN and mentioned Dermot Cole should be added to regular daily or weekly articles. I agree. Cole is the single most prolific journalist as to graft and corruption at the state level in Alaska. His career for the past 40 years with the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and the ADN speaks for the record. He currently publishes about 300 articles every year, free to anyone interested. His facts, data, research and current illegal and unethical and secretive behavior at the state level are unmatched.

Additionally, thanks should be extended to the many women who write commentaries for the ADN. There are at least as many women as men who contribute. Also, you have dozens of good writers in your letters to the editor section who cite facts easily documented in public websites — they deserve thanks too. I thank each one who has the good of the future of democracy in mind and who is making factual, mainstream sources known via the ADN.

Whether false or fraudulent attempts to overturn the 2023 Anchorage election that did not favor candidates supported by Mayor Dave Bronson, or Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s unethical benefits, or the Permanent Fund Corporation board of trustees, the list is not short of who would like to get their goals met at the expense of Alaskans.

There’s a felon attempting to take the White House, and it seems half of America idolizes him. He’s meeting with top people in Congress, and they are acting as called by Donald Trump. We can’t take a chance on another four years of Trump. It will be the end of democracy, not only in the U.S. but around the world.

— Linda Sharp


Have something on your mind? Send to letters@adn.com or click here to submit via any web browser. Letters under 200 words have the best chance of being published. Writers should disclose any personal or professional connections with the subjects of their letters. Letters are edited for accuracy, clarity and length.

Linda Sharp

Linda Sharp is an Associate Real Estate Broker in Alaska, and a Broker in Arizona. Sharp moved to Anchorage 40 years ago and has been involved in real estate in property development, sales of land, investment property and home sales, as well as an investor.