Letters to the Editor

Letter: Public bathroom politics

Before the mayoral election, I predicted that if Suzanne LaFrance won, those $500,000 bathrooms would be built. Sure enough, they will be.

The voters clearly said “no” to the bathrooms. Despite the excuses by the Assembly supporters saying voters were turned off by the name, they were mad that this dumb idea was even brought up. It was clear the plan was to spend an outrageous $500,000 each for these units.

The Daily News reported the Assembly will look for other ways to pay for them. This is so the public can’t vote “no” again. Contrary to Assembly claims, most residents don’t support this costly plan. While most taxpayers will shake their heads, supporters, at the urging of the Assembly, will flood the survey box, creating the illusion most support the bathrooms when they don’t. Homeless residents will trash the buildings and families won’t be safe entering them. What’s next? Suggesting a sales tax to pay for stuff like this?

— Richard Rhyner


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