Letters to the Editor

Letter: Eradicate dandelions

In his perennial tongue-lashing, Jeff Lowenfels published his annual diatribe enjoining efforts to eradicate dandelions from lawns. He urges everyoneto accept whatever kind of plant grows in the area reserved for a lawn, thus redefining the word “lawn.”

The Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary defines a “lawn” as “ground covered with fine grass kept closely mowed especially in front of or about a house or as part of a garden or park.” Nothing about dandelions there.

Lowenfels claims dandelions are not invasive. “Invasive” is defined as “tending to spread often rapidly in an undesirable or detrimental way.” Kim Eierman (an ecological landscape designer) explains dandelions do have allelopathic tendencies, which means they deter growth of plants around them.

Dandelion weeding runs from physical removal to chemical treatment. The best weeder is the AMES 2917300 Stand-Up Weeder. Spot treatment can be effected with Ortho Weed-B-Gon. Various “weed and feed” products provide generalized treatment. Applied in accordance with directions, of course. I’m sorry that Lowenfels chooses to be a “dandy” on this issue. The rest of us can continue to be “lions” in our battle with the weed.

— Marc Bond


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